Treat yourself or someone special to a thoughtfully arranged bouquet featuring 9 focal flowers with a mix of red, soft pink and fuschia roses, accented with textural flowers and greenery. Each hand-tied bouquet is wrapped in waterproof floral paper, finished with a ribbon, and includes a care card.
A simple yet elegant way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Please note: The rose varieties in your bouquet may vary slightly from the photo, ensuring you receive the freshest blooms available for Valentine’s Day.
True Love
Orders will be available for pick up at 2 Locations:
Bold Fork Books in Mt. Pleasant Thursday 2/13 & Friday 2/14 12pm-8pm
3064 Mt Pleasant St NW, Washington, DC 20009
Lost Sock Coffee Shop in Takoma Park Thursday 2/13 & Friday 2/14 7am-4pm
6833 4th St NW, Washington DC 20012
Flower's for "Delivery" will be dropped off between 11am - 6pm on February 14. If you would like delivery outside of this window or date please write us a note.